Weekly Update: November 23, 2009

This Week:

All practices are running as usual this week (with the 2nd Wednesday class starting at its new time of 8pm). Several of the coaching staff will be away on Wednesday, Thursday and Saturday due to National Championships.

This past weekend was the 2009 Brock Invitational Competition. WFC results are as follows:


Fitzpatrick 7/23
Stapleton 9/23


Ciancone 1/7
Kinney 2/7
Fitzpatrick 3/7


Ciancone 13/57
Banks 17/57
Effinger 54/57


Kinney 25/50


Pierrynowski 3/31
Han 5/31

This weekend was also the Flower City Super Youth Circuit:

Y14 MS:

Kinney 33/39

WFC Attire:

Just a reminder that we are going to be placing an order for warm-up suits with the WFC logo.  Please contact Terri or one of the coaches if you are interested. Suits are Kobe Micro Fibre warm up suits and will cost approximately $150 plus tax. They are 100%  micro fibre polyster, water and wind resistant and are embroidered with Club Logos. For sizing, please visit: http://www.kobesportswear.com/kobe2010/sizing.php



Weekly Update: November 30, 2009


Weekly Update: November 16, 2009