covid Guidelines for Fencers
keeping our club safe is a responsibility that is shared by all of us. please do your part by strictly adhering to the following guidelines, and advising us if you believe you have been exposed to COVID. note that this information may be shared with others who have been at the club at the same time as you. if you are not comfortable with this information being shared, we ask that you refrain from coming to the club at this time.
the ontario fencing association has created some guidelines that we are using to inform our approach. if you are interested, you can view them here.
we will be making modifications to class times and schedules once we have a clearer sense of numbers. we will also be making some modifications to activities to allow for better spacing between fencers that was typical pre-covid. in broad strokes, we will be dividing people into to groups of no more than 8 participants. each group will form a training cohort. with the exception of some of the coaches, people from one cohort will not interact with people from another cohort to keep ‘training bubbles’ small. cohorts will be determined by the coaches based on a number of factors including how frequently you want to train.
if you have seasonal allergies that you expect may cause you to sneeze frequently, please consider seeing your family doctor and seeking medication before coming to fencing. sneezing in your mask is very unpleasant, and you will be wearing a mask at all times whilst at the club!
if a coach feels you are not respecting distancing or screening protocols, you may be asked to leave.
executive summary
classes will be smaller and fencers will be divided into training groups.
you need to sign in every time you come to the club.
you need to self-screen before every practice. if in doubt, please stay home.
you need to wear a face-covering at all times.
no sharing of space, equipment, or germs.
hygiene is critical. keep your gear, and your hands clean!
entering and leaving the club
all outdoor shoes / clothing must be kept in the hallways, using the hooks and mats provided. please identify a spot for your stuff and use it consistently. please bring a bag or basket to keep your things in.
all other equipment must be kept in a predetermined spot and should be kept in a bag or basket unless it is being used. there will be spots marked around the room.
you must be wearing a mask before you enter the building. please do not take it off before you are back outside, except briefly if you need to eat or drink. try not to adjust your mask too much.
maintain at least 2 m from other people at all times. this means you need to pay attention to what is happening around you!
to facilitate social distancing, we are restricting access to the building as follows:
only 2 parents are permited on the stage at any time. others must wait outside the church. parent supervision will be arranged in advance by rota
to avoid collisions at the stairs, the doors to the church will be locked 10 minutes after practice is due to begin. if you need entry after this time, please ring the bell and wait. you will need to put your mask on before you enter the building.
please show up on time for your classes and lessons, and arrange to be picked up promptly.
parents, please wait outside unless you are one of the designated parents for your practice.
everybody entering the club must sign in and out using the provided logbook. please bring your own pen to use for signing in and out.
BEFORE fencing
Stay home if you have had close sustained contact in the last 14 days with anyone who was sick or known or believed to have COVID-19
Stay home if you are sick or do not feel well
Self-monitor and be symptom free for at least 14 days prior to any in-person club activity
fencers and parents must use the ontario covid self-assessment tool each day no more than one hour before you come to practice. do not come to the club unless you are cleared to do so.
Wash and sanitize your hands regularly
Avoid touching your face, eyes or mouth with unclean hands
Practice social distancing where appropriate
Wear a face mask to reduce exposure to airborne contaminated particles and reduce exposure to others
Bring a spare face mask so you can change after fencing
Bring a carrier bag with you so you can take your own waste away with you
Come to the club already dressed in freshly washed workout clothing that you can wear under fencing uniforms
show up on time
identify where you are going to keep your equipment (there will be taped boxes), clean that area before and after use, and keep your equipment in a bag or basket unless you are using it
sanitize your hands when entering the club each time
Cover your mouth and nose with a tissue or your elbow if you cough or sneeze (even when wearing a mask) and dispose of any tissues appropriately
DURING fencing
Refrain from any activity if experiencing any symptoms and report this to one of your coaches
change into fencing equipment on the stage
keep kit and all personal belongings in your bags and in your designated spot unless it is in use
all of your equipment should be taken home and washed after practice, not left at the club
Do not share any equipment or personal items such as weapons, body-wires, fencing masks, gloves, uniforms, with others. Equipment can be borrowed from the club by prior arrangement, on a temporary basis to ensure that you don’t need to share anything. deposits will be required, and this must be arranged in advance. note that shared club equipment will not be available for general use until further notice. all competitive program fencers are expected to have all of their own equipment.
At all times in the club you should wear a surgical or cloth mask covering your nose and mouth, including under your fencing mask. the only exception will be coaches who are teaching a class
Practice social distancing as directed - no physical contact with others is permitted (EG no handshakes)
Avoid touching your face, eyes or mouth
Cover your mouth and nose with a tissue or your elbow if you cough or sneeze, and dispose of tissues appropriately
Please bring and use your own hand sanitizer and/or sanitizing wipes
Bring your own drink in a bottle clearly marked with your name, to avoid accidental sharing
use nitrile gloves when touching scoring equipment or bungees. wipe things down if you need to touch them with your hands using the PREempt wipes at the club
Please remove all your own waste in your own bag at the end of your session AFTER ACTIVITIES
Wash and sanitize your hands often and ALWAYS on entering and leaving the club
after fencing
wash your equipment after every practice
Monitor your health and report any symptoms directly to your coach
Practice social distancing diligently
respect the time windows for leaving the club
please arrange to be picked up promptly
if you are amongst the last to leave, please help the coaches clean up
Cover your mouth and nose with a tissue or your elbow if you cough or sneeze and dispose of tissues appropriately