Weekly Update - October 4, 2009

This Week:

Monday and Wednesday practices will be running normally this week.  All of our coaches and senior fencers will be heading to Des Moines for a North American Cup tournament on Thursday, causing the following classes to be cancelled:

Thursday, October 7
Saturday October 10
Monday October 12

Next Week:

There is no practice on Monday October 12th as the club is closed for Thanksgiving. Classes will resume as normal on Wednesday October 14th.


We will be placing an order for warm up suits and t-shirts. Warm up suits will cost around $150, and t-shirts around $20.

If you are interested in purchasing anything, please talk with Terri before October 14th.

Other bits and pieces:


Please see our recommendations regarding sickness and the novel H1N1 virus.

Bad Weather:

As we start to move towards the end of the summer, we thought a gentle reminder of our 'bad weather' procedures might be in order.

First, please make sure that wet or muddy footwear stays outside the gym - the floors get very slippery when they are wet, so it is important that both fencers and 'chauffers' bring a change of footwear with you.

Secondly, please be sure to check the website before heading out to practice. Any practice cancellations due to bad weather will be announced before 4pm. We don't tend to cancel many practices, but many of our coaches and fencers travel in from out of town and keeping everybody safe is our main priority. If there is any doubt, please err on the side of caution!


Happy Thanksgiving!


Update - October 21, 2009


Weekly Update - September 20, 2009