Weekly Update - March 22, 2010
This Week:
All practices will be running at their regular times this week. Ranil should be out at all.
This past weekend were the Ontario Provincial Championships. WFC results are as follows:
MF: Ciancone 21/44; Effinger 34/44; Banks 40/44
MS: Ciancone 13/31; Demeglio 14/31
WF: Han 24/32
WS: Han 7/20
MF: (Banks, Ciancone, Effinger, Fitzpatrick) 9/11
MS: (Ciancone, DeMeglio, Fitzpatrick, Kinney) 6/7
WS: (Han, Sakkal, Fountain, Ross) 2/4
Congratulations to all!
Intro Class
We have a new intro class starting in a couple of weeks. For details, please click here.