Weekly Update: March 7th, 2011

This Week:

Monday and Wednesday practices are running as usual this week. There will be no practices on Thursday or Saturday as all of the coaches will be in Detroit (see below). There will be a conditioning class with Sharlene on Monday night (starting at 8pm). Friends and family are welcome, but please bring cash! Ranil may be out on Monday, but possibly not.

Detroit North American Cup:

In case you haven’t already heard about it, next weekend, there is a “North American Cup” taking place in Detroit. These are *huge* fencing events, and they are very rarely so close to us, so if you have a little free time and the fancy takes you, then it’s a great opportunity to go and see what all the fuss is about – we just don’t have these kinds of tournaments in Canada, so it really is worth a visit if you can.

Also, most of the major equipment vendors will be there, so if you’re thinking about buying equipment, it’s a great opportunity to check sizing and see what’s available. If you are thinking about heading down, please let one of the coaches know so that we can keep an eye out for you (this event is big enough that you may have a hard time spotting us otherwise!).

You can find information about the competition here, or else please talk to one of the coaches. We will have people fencing on Friday morning (foil and sabre), on Saturday morning (foil) and afternoon (sabre), and on Sunday morning (foil) if you want to come and see some of our fencers in action.


McMaster Fencing Fundraiser


Weekly Update: February 28, 2011